The next step is to install the latest AMD GPU drivers. So make sure you have one those cards before beginning.

Specifically an AMD RX 580, but this same set of steps also apply the AMD RX 480 and other other AMD graphics cards. This may sound like a “no brainer”, but you’re going to need an AMD video card for this to work. So it’s up to you to make the decision if you’re OK with that possibility. I would also note, that it most likely voids your GPU’s warranty if you do any of this. Patching the drivers is not required for Simple Mining OS. However, once that’s done you can run Linux or Simple Mining OS after the fact if you prefer. You will need Windows installed or you’ll need to install the RX580 in a Windows machine to do the BIOS patching. So let’s get started on this overclocking adventure! This assumes you are mining on Windows. Mining takes up very little CPU, so in most cases you’ll never even know its there doing its job. You can use your existing gaming PC to mine, or you can put second GPU in your computer and dedicate it to mining. You don’t have to build an entire mining rig to mine with a GPU. One thing I would like to point out to people. In this post we will be overclocking the MSI RX 580 ARMOR 8GB card. Seriously, that’s basically a seventh card for free! But it takes some more technical know how.

That’s another 30 MH/s in a six card rig. Doing these BIOS tweaks can give you as much as another 5 MH/s in Ethereum. Overclocking the RX 580 for mining is different from other cards such as the likes of the NVIDIA GTX 0/ti because with the AMD cards you can still tweak the BIOS. So in this post we’re going to explain how to go about overclocking the RX 580 for mining! Something many of you asked me how to do after my latest mining rig build. It’s also let to a whole art and science behind overclocking these systems to make them perform better.

This has led to explosive growth in those markets. Mining is literally going insane! People are snapping up both GPUs for mining as well as ASIC miners faster than manufacturers can make them.