– Fuel does not feed from opposite engine when 1 engine failed and Xfeed open – Engine Anti Ice failure incorrect behavior – Texture issue inboard flaps, trailing edge. – Anti Skid amber annunciator not illuminating correctly for antiskid normal/alternate valve system problems. – Autobrake Control Unit not responding to primary sensor input, relying upon alternate sensor mode for activation on landing. – APU GEN power save mode incorrectly triggering at Fail-toAir sense rather than APU GEN Off signal. – Power-up Self Test of Electrical Display not long enough when battery power first selected ON. – Texture Alignment Between Fuse2 – Fuse3 Left Side – Consistent use of custom payload ZFW value – Light bleeding through front cabin walls – MMR does not remember preselected frequency – Nosewheel Steering effectivity at higher speeds – Door warning lights comes ON on Recall even if all doors are closed. – Brake Temp on differential braking inop Rt Side

– LNAV Stability when sequencing leg colinear with next leg – Transition altitude for missed APP WPTs and following Go Around – Initial descent path adjustment at T/D to avoid too much speed gain – Handling offset route entry with very small offsets – HOLD page update with PPOS hold not executed yet but modified after creation – Airplane not accellerating after dual channel go around – Pitch Guidance not adjusting for Flap Schedule on Go Around – Air Gnd Sensor releasing Gear Lock on Liftoff not heard R = rex.Receiver( rf_fref=200.0+0.005*float(t)/2.0, fref_high=200e3, fref_low=1000e3, dBm=20.0, fBm=200.0+(0.005*float(t)/2.0), scan_angle=30.0, tiltscan=False, bclr=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), scales=100) # The Rextel XM-2802W is preferable, due to Minimal size and Low price Pmdg 737 Weather Radar Crackl 3.7.– Magenta line to first waypoint after departure runway drawing revised algorithm

If I were to get the Active Sky, would the radar images display on the 737 ND or would it have it's own gauge as the Rex WX Advantage Radar did? So, I'm wondering if the Rex WX Advantage Radar will work, or display the radar images on the 737 ND as it should. At the time of release of the 737 NGX, the Rex WX Advantage Radar had not been released. But I don't know if the WX Advantage Radar works with the PMDG 737NGX in that way.

Will it also work using the Rex WX Advantage Radar? After installing the Rex WX Advantage Radar, I've noticed that it has it's own radar gauge and the weather is displayed on it instead of the ND in the PMDG NGX, which is what I prefer. According to the manual, it states that Active Sky is required to make the radar images display weather, and I assume it would display on the ND. I have a question regarding using the radar in the PMDG 737NGX.