The new version offers you many new choices for photos.Support see some basic information of the image.Not the perfect view GIF images, you can extract frames in GIF image via context menu.The tool also improves the quality of the file icon view.Speed upload files in the directory, now capable of loading files very fast.

You can change the associated app easily in the Settings dialog.

By pressing Ctrl + E, the program will immediately open the associated app. The software proudly provides you a quick command to edit the viewing image. You may need to install some dependent software to be able to read those new formats.Įdit viewing image with your favorite apps You can add a new format easily by a friendly UI in the Settings dialog. In addition, the app switches to use the ImageMagick library which allows users to view over 100+ image formats. The software will instantly update the viewing image, as well as the images in the viewing folder if you make a change on it. The program supports the Color Picker tool which allows you to pick a color of the viewing image, and automatically convert it to 4 color formats: RGBA, HEXA, CMYK, and HSL. You can select your language, layout mode, theme or set the app as a default photo viewer. Helps you to quickly set up on the first launch of the tool. ImageGlass for Desktop has several built-in shortcut keys that can save you time in your daily workflows! Users also can customize this extension list easily. The app supports the most common image formats. ImageGlass for PC is another open-source basic image viewer, which, while simple, benefits from the speed that comes with being so lightweight, and is a good choice for Windows users. The software keeps getting better - a new version includes new innovations, features, and bug fixes.

ImageGlass is a lightweight, versatile free image viewing software for Windows PC, that is designed to take the place of Photo Viewer in Windows OS, especially those installations that may have trouble displaying PNG and GIF files in Photo Viewer.