(Such as the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060, Quadro RTX 4000, AMD Radeon RX 5700, or better)Graphics card memory6 GB or more*Operating systemUp-to-date Windows 10 64-bit (version 2004) or newerCPU (processor)Intel/AMD processor scoring a single thread CPUMark of 2,200 or higher. We recommend upgrading if you find that your computer is close to these minimum requirements.Internet connectionThe PC running Lumion must be connected to the internet.Graphics cardGPU scoring a G3DMark of 9,000 or higher with up-to-date drivers. You can also find information about where to start if you are looking to purchase a new PC.Minimum RequirementsA PC with this hardware is not recommended, as it would only be able to handle simple projects, such as:A small park or residential building with Lumion models and textures.Please note that this configuration will not be capable of smoothly handling Lumion’s high-end features. Lumion also requires a computer with a fast graphics card with plenty of memory, as well as an internet connection.Please check the requirements below to find out if your PC can give you a good Lumion experience.

This is especially important for Lumion’s high-end features. System requirements - Lumion 3D Rendering Software SolutionsSolutionsProductProductResourcesResourcesAboutAboutMy accountMy accountTry LumionTry LumionSolutionsSolutionsProductProductResourcesResourcesAboutAboutMy accountMy accountTry LumionTry LumionLumion 2023System RequirementsEverything you need to know to enjoy Lumion to the fullestAs a 3D rendering program, Lumion is different from other CAD software as it relies primarily on having an excellent graphics card.